Water Active Co / Products / Plug and Stoppers


 Sazehaye Abe Faal Company with periodic visits to factories and ball manufacturing companies in Europe has succeeded in obtaining an official representation from the Turkish company, which is the only exporter of these products to Western Europe

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Sazehaye Abe Faal Company has the lowest price in the country due to the wholesale and direct purchase from the factory and the elimination of European middlemen

Normal Stoppers

These types of multi-size pneumatic Plugs are very suitable for blocking all pipes from 35 to 3600 mm in size


 Sazehaye Abe Faal company is ready to supply normal and bypass Stoppers in different working pressures, in different lengths and diameters

Conical Plug

It is one of the types of multi-size pneumatic Plugs that, due to its conical shape, easily passes through the small entrance valves of the people and there is no need to widen the valve to pass the Plug and block lines with a diameter of over 1000 mm


Sazehaye Abe Faal Company is ready to order and deliver this type of Stoppers from 300 to 3600 mm in different working pressures

Mechanical and Metal Plug

Another type of Plug that can be used are mechanical Plug and metal


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Mechanical Plugs, without the need for air, can block pipes with a diameter of 50 to 150 mm just by tightening a nut

With the help of its metal parts, with only a little bit of wind (available with a small air compressor) and only 10 cm in length, nuclear metal can easily block pipes with a diameter of 200 to 600 mm 

Special Plug

Sazehaye Abe Faal Company is ready to supply and provide expert advice for all types of blockage Plugs, hydraulic testing, repair pipe Plug, manhole and branch Stoppers, oval and circular asymmetric plugs for use in oil and acid environments and strong solvents



Plug Cover

The Plug protector or cover is a means to increase the life of the stoppers as well as high safety while working with the plug, which can be supplied and ordered for the plugs provided by Sazehaye Abe Faal Co

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